Appraisals and Technical Analysis

Written detailed reports for insurance purposes, catalogs and books as well as verbal appraisals are offered by our company. We provide technical analyses accompanied by photographs for full identification. We maintain copies at our site and work with law enforcement, retrieval companies and insurance companies to identify clients’ pieces.





Recently we traveled to the FBI headquarters for NYC to identify a retrieved rug that had been stolen from a client’s house several years ago. Our earlier appraisal, describing attributes of the rug, with a description of prior repair work enabled the prosecutor to argue with certainty that this was our client’s rug. It is now back on her floor.



We offer simple appraisals, listing size, type, date, weave and condition, accompanied by photographs. These are backed by market research and are treated simply and thoroughly.

We also offer a longer and more thorough appraisal that includes a technical analysis of the materials used as well as a complete range of close-up photographs.

Whatever your needs, we are glad to be of service.




Technical Analysis

Authors in the rug field as well as museums and collectors have used our technical analysis services.

An important component of rug identification, technical analysis reveals the minute elements that make each rug or textile unique.

It’s an invaluable tool for insurance purposes and also creates a profile for research and study.

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  Holly Lorraine Smith & Co. ~
  Peace Dale, Rhode Island, U.S.A. ~ 1-401-783-7383