Our Process Restoration: National Restoration: Overseas Overseas Process

Restoration: National

Our repair studio outside of Boston, Massachusetts is fully equipped to handle restorations of all types. In our preliminary discussion with our clients we can best assist them in making the decision whether their rug or textile should be restored in our New England facility or sent to our facility overseas.




We have a staff of highly qualified restorers, trained and overseen by Holly L. Smith. Minor hole restoration, rebuilding of fraying ends and edges as well as the simple and expeditious task of preventing further fraying, are handled here with care.

We perform invisible repairs on the nation's top collections.




We employ less costly maintenance techniques on modest rugs.
We offer free appraisals of a rug's value before and after restoration, with a complete analysis of various repair approaches.



We cater to clients whose pieces need minor repairs, yet we can also handle with expertise those pieces that are delicate and historically important.




Fragile textiles and rugs, needing expert cleaning followed by mounting, is one of our specialties. The proper application of Velcro for hanging without damage is a subect we teach to rug societies and collectors, a process we have perfected.




Repairs are quickly and efficiently handled and our pricing is realistic.



We have a vast selection of wools to work with, assuring that the color and texture match is as close as possible. Non-fading vegetal dyes are readily available to our clients who prefer them as well as custom spun wools that mimic the spin of the original. We also can match the exact dyestuffs used in the original and pre-fade them for pieces whose importance warrants this extra step.


Keeping track of when a rug needs cleaning is a part of our maintenance profile, leaving our clients free to use their rugs without needing to remember a schedule.

We pride ourselves on our ability to help our clients deal with any questions that may arise concerning the care and use of a rug.
Contact us with questions.


For further information see our articles on restoration at www.ne-rugsociety.org


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  Holly Lorraine Smith & Co. ~ holly@hollysmithrugs.com
  Peace Dale, Rhode Island, U.S.A. ~ 1-401-783-7383